Is 2020 the year you finally take charge of your career? If you are looking to find a new career in 2020, here are our top 10 tips on how to be more employable in 2020 to get your career off the ground.

1. Perfect your Online Presence

One of the most important ways to be more employable in 2020 is to streamline your online presence and show the best you to the world. If you are applying for a new job, you will be googled. It is important that your online presence looks as professional as the one you are trying to achieve with your application. Review everywhere you could appear online to ensure you appear at your very best to anyone looking. Unsure on where to start? Follow our guide on how to create the best first impression with a professional online presence.

2. Gain Real-World Experience

No matter what your industry, your experience will be key. Employers want to know that you have demonstrable experience in the role you are going to fill in order to do it well. They will look at work history, projects you have worked on and examples of your work. If you are struggling to find a paid position in your chosen field due to lack of experience, consider internships or apprenticeships as a foot in the door. These can show you are willing to learn as well as providing valuable experience if you are just starting out.

3. Get Qualified

Whether you have worked in your industry for years or are just getting started in your chosen career, recent qualifications will impress employers and show you are committed to continuously improving yourself. Many universities or colleges offer online courses for the ultimate flexibility. There is also a range of online learning providers who can help continue your professional development and make you instantly more employable. Research which qualifications are valued in your industry as well as which skills are particularly sought after to propel your career.

4. Find your Unique Selling Point

What makes you stand out from the crowd of other applicants? Do you have a particular skill set or talent that fills a niche or is in high demand? Make the most of that and use it as your selling power when promoting yourself both on paper and in person. If you have a memorable quality, this could give you the edge over another applicant who might have a similar experience or qualification level to you.

5. Be Prepared to Take Risks

If you are losing interest in your current 9-5, take a look at what else could be out there. This could be at a new company or even a completely new industry. If you are looking for something different, don’t be afraid to think outside of the box in terms of what is available to you. Showing you can take initiative and having convictions in your beliefs are some of the first steps in how to make yourself more employable and can make you stand out. If you are not quite looking for a complete career change, use this idea in your current workplace. Volunteer for new projects, try a new technique, these are all things that show an innovative nature and increase your employability in 2020.

6. Take on Extra Responsibility

Is there a project you have taken the lead on? Do you have an idea you would like to catapult into the limelight? Take charge of your career by showing real-life examples of when you have taken charge of a project and made it a success. Asking for more responsibility in the right places or demonstrating an area you are particularly skilled in can impress both current and future employers leading to future opportunities.

7. Work on your Social Skills

Are you more comfortable slinking into the background and avoid conversations with new people? Make 2020 the year you become more confident. Work on forming social bonds with your colleagues and practice being confident around new people. You’ll improve your work life and increase your chances of being called back for a second interview for any new opportunities you find. Candidates with brilliant social skills stand out from the crown and are visibly more employable.

8. Create the Perfect CV & Cover Letter

If you are looking for a new job in 2020, your first port of call should be perfecting your CV and creating a cover letter that will impress potential employers in seconds. If you are looking for guidance, take a look at our guide on how to structure a CV here. Some main points in making your CV stand out are customising your cv to the company and role you are looking for and keeping it concise without unnecessary bulking. If you are looking to be more employable in 2020, your CV and a professional-looking cover letter are an important place to start.

9. Get a Hobby

Whilst a candidate might be impressive on paper, an interesting side-hobby can make you immediately more attractive as a person. You may run your own blog on the side, go hiking at the weekend or volunteer for a charity. Each of these are conversation-starters and add interest to you around your qualifications and experience. Having a hobby can demonstrate transferable skills and show you can commit to something, something that will boost your employability prospects instantly.

10. Demonstrate a Thirst for Knowledge

No matter what your career, if you can consistently generate new ideas using examples you have taken your time to research, you will impress. Attend seminars on your expertise, join an online forum, sign up to an informative newsletter in your subject. You will learn something new and may make some important connections on the way.

Ready to take on the world? Take a look at our current vacancies here.